Saturday, April 2, 2022

Diffusion Theory: GPUs

 Diffusion is considered to be the process by which the value (based on trends in the market) of new technology changes over time. This allows companies to make informed decisions about their product and how their product should be produced. 

An excellent example of this, in my mind at least, is computer graphics cards. Just as some people thought console-based gaming would finally have a leg up on personal computer-based gaming with the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, the company NVIDIA released the newest in their line of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs): the GeForce RTX 3080. GPUs are typically among the most expensive parts of a PC, without them, nothing will appear on your computer's monitor.

The demand for the newest GPU when it came out was so high that it was near impossible to get, between scalpers and bots it sold out quickly, just the same as with the consoles that were released around the same time. Talk has now started though, of the next generation of graphics cards, the 4000 series showing that the continued support and interest, and spread of the previous generation is able to push the innovation of the technology to new limits.

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