Wednesday, March 2, 2022

5 Sources I receive news from.

I don't typically check the news, most of the news I receive comes through my phone or by word of mouth from others. Primarily, if I am browsing social media and see something, I will search to learn if it is real and if it is, then if what I read was a proper assessment of whatever it may be. News travels relatively fast through social media channels such as Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and especially Facebook

I also have family members who consistently send me random news articles or let me know if I need to keep my eyes out for certain things. Whether they are actually helpful or not they are news that I may need at some point or may want to share with others who may be more effective. The news sent to me typically can consist of articles, news stories, media posts, etc. Although some of the news is completely unrelated to my current interests it helps diversify my understanding of modern news. I personally enjoy receiving these different articles. It helps me know what things my family is interested in these days. 

I also look at video game-related news sites quite often, being a game design major, I find it important for me to keep up to date on the current features of games that are successful and what features are not so successful. Sites such as IGN, Kotaku, and GameInformer are helpful sites with reviews of games and updates on games yet to be released. 

There also are groups that many participate in online like Facebook Groups and Discord servers that are great places to have discussions with other users about similar topics of interest. I am a part of a few of these groups to keep up with friends and people I have met through online games. These online communities are a mix between shared news articles and word of mouth. I enjoy being in these communities because they are typically geared to unique topics. This means that not only are you seeing news that you are interested in but that you can also discuss it with others who are equally as interested.

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